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How Can This Help? (Corrective Therapy Device)

Spinal Cord Injury

A 2017 study in the National Insitute of Health concluded: "There is some suggestion that NMES increases voluntary strength in partially paralyzed muscle following SCI. However, there is no strong evidence to affirm the superiority of NMES over other

Disc Issues

While back pain is unique case-to-case, the body’s fundamental muscle, bone and joint structure are highly similar. When your improving the function and health of the musculoskeletal system you will always experience positive results. Here is a study

Sciatica or Pinched Nerve

The key to alleviating a pinched nerve or sciatica is by improving pain-free movement, flexibility and muscle strength. The purpose of the NeuroMD device is to help alleviate back and leg pain by restoring proper function through healing, strengtheni


While the NeuroMD device does not cure arthritis, it can help alleviate the pain. NeuroMD's uses NMES technology which applies electrical stimulation to motor nerves which causes the muscles to contract and relax. It used for people with arthritis to

Scoliosis / Kyphosis / Structure Issues

It can help as when the muscles around the spine are strengthened they help to align and stabilize the spine. The study concludes: "The protocol may aid the development of practical NMES systems for Lumbar Degenerative Kyphosis patients who suffer fr

Cancer-Related Issue

Here is a study as well, however, not as relevant as this is NMES use during advanced stages of cancer.We have had many customers inquire about this and there was a recent 2018 study on “The efficacy and prescription of neuromuscular electrical stimu

Spinal Stenosis

We have countless customers that have used the Corrective Therapy Device for pain relief from spinal stenosis. The NeuroMD device helps reduce the pain and restore proper function by healing damaged tissues, reducing inflammation, and strengthening y

Degenerative Disk Disease

The NeuroMD corrective therapy device strengthens the muscle around the spine, thus stabilizing the spine; this can help to alleviate pain. In conjunction with the corrective therapy device, we recommend exercises that also help to stabilize the spin


A program of exercise and/or physical therapy will help increase pain-free movement, and improve flexibility and muscle strength. The purpose of the NeuroMD device is to help alleviate chronic back pain by strengthening muscle; the muscle is strength


Many physical therapists use NMES devices, like the NeuroMD Corrective therapy device, for use in therapy with patients who suffer from Fibromyalgia. With the corrective therapy device, electrical impulses are sent throughout the muscle tissue, targe

Sacroiliac Joints (SI)

Sacroiliac joint pain most commonly occurs due to either muscle weakness in the area causing joint instability, damaged tissues in the area causing inflammation, or osteoarthritis from wearing down of the joint cartilage. Studies found SI joint dysfu

Facet Inflammation / General Inflammation

Similar to strength exercises, The NeuroMD device causes the muscles to contract and relax which improves the musculoskeletal health in the area. The contracting and relaxing of the muscles will increases blood flow to the area and help reduce inflam